Notice of: Volleyball PEI Annual General Meeting
Volleyball PEI - Annual General MeetingWill be held virtually via the Zoom Platform on Thursday, October 17th at 8:00pm.
This meeting is to close our "short' year end of April 1, 2024-August 31, 2024 in preparation for our NEW FISCAL YEAR of September 1st-August 31st.
Please RSVP to Volleyball PEI at to get sign in details for Zoom and any other corresponding documents.
As per the Volleyball PEI Bylaws:
4.2 At Annual General Meetings or Special Meetings of Membership:
4.2.1 Sanctioned Clubs (regardless of number of teams) get one vote.
4.2.2 Officials Committee (representing all registered officials) get one vote.
4.2.3 Each Senior League (rep from Men’s and Women’s) get one vote each.
4.2.4 Each Volleyball PEI board member gets one vote.
4.2.5 At the commencement of the meeting, the President must call for the identification of those members eligible to vote;
4.2.6 All members of Volleyball PEI shall be entitled to attend the AGM and to participate in discussions but only those noted above shall be permitted to vote.